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How to use a professional washer? Features of the Danube WPR 8-10 line

How to use a professional washer? Features of the Danube WPR 8-10 line

Professional high spin washers designed to meet the needs of small laundries

cómo funciona una lavadora profesional

Professional washers from our WPR 8-10 line with new ET2 control, are designed to meet the washing needs of all types of laundries with medium or small work volumes. They are perfect for hotels, restaurants, clinics and health centers, hostels, residences…

Thanks to the new ET2 microprocessor, which includes a large standard display, you can control aspects such as traceability, optimal loading or data analysis, in a simple, fast and comfortable way, from your mobile device. It comes with 29 preset programs and can be configured in 37 different languages.

In terms of efficiency, this is a washing machine prepared to work with Wet Cleaning programs, and is equipped as standard with the Optimal Loading system, designed to optimize the consumption of water and detergents.

They are efficient and versatile washers, as they can be easily transformed into self-service models. They have been designed to offer great ergonomics, do not require major maintenance tasks and both the drum and the vat are made of stainless steel.

On top of this, it is important to mention that they are machines designed for Facility Services, since, apart from their efficiency, they have a special system for the care of all types of mops.

How to use a Danube professional washer?: Care and optimization of mops

cómo funciona una lavadora profesional

This is the perfect washer for companies in the service sector, due to its special design for the laundering and optimization of this product.

Dust, dirt or sand are the most common causes of the deterioration of the mops. Specifically, the design of the drum and the chassis of this washing machine are specially designed to get the best of each mop and lengthen its life. In addition, a base can be incorporated at the bottom, with a filter grid, for washing mops.

If you have doubts or questions to ask us about how a professional washing machine works or of any other kind, do not hesitate to contact our commercial department for advice. You can fill out the form that you will find on this website, send an email to, or phone at (+33) 254 880 576. Choosing laundry machinery for your company is not an easy task. Let us help you!


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