• Laundry hygiene and disinfection in hospitals and medical centers

    DANUBE Laundry disinfection solutions

  • Technologically advanced, high productive and maxi efficient flatwork ironers

    An industrial ironer for hotels capable of drying and ironing flat linen in a single operation, from a high speed washing machine, saving time, resources and energy to the laundry.

  • How to get a hygienically healthy laundry, efficiently and safely

    The PULLMAN model with a load capacity of 90 kg , panels in grey skinplate and equipped with the new ET2 microprocessor as standard.

  • A flatwork dryer ironer designed to optimize all types of laundries

    A drying and ironing machine designed to optimize all types of laundries.

  • Equipment and keys for washing and disinfecting hospital laundry

    Latest generation of barrier washers with all safety guarantees

  • A high energy efficient tumble dryer with the best performance

    We would like to present a new concept of professional dryer, designed on the basis of 4 essential points: high performance, robustness, versatility and efficiency.