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Do you need an industrial flatwork ironer in your laundry?

Do you need an industrial flatwork ironer in your laundry?

Planchadora industrial


Danube 500 mm and 650 mm flatwork ironers are industrial ironers that have been designed to optimize time and productivity of an industrial laundry to high levels of efficiency, since, for example, they offer the possibility to process up to 120 kg of linen per hour, they are ergonomic, compact and easy to install.

They save time and space, with options that allow them to meet most requirements, such as a built-in length folder.

Danube flatwork ironers meet the needs of hotels, hospitals, residences and industrial laundries. They reduce operating costs thanks to energy efficient options such as the CARE IRON system for automatic control of residual moisture or radiant gas burners.

The new ET2 control offers excellent performances in terms of energy efficiency

Danube 500 and 650 mm flatwork ironers are equipped with the new ET2 control as standard. this has been designed to achieve highly efficient industrial machines; it offers a very useful 7” touch screen, 10 preset programs, 38 available languages, USB connection…

To highlight more strengths in terms of efficiency, it offers an HPS (High Production System) based an automatic adjustment of the feeding and ironing speed, a shutdown system when it reaches a temperature of 80°C or radiant gas burners for gas heated models which achieves an increase in production of 25 %, compared to previous models.

We are talking about a robust and ergonomic industrial ironer

Another of the main characteristics of our full range of equipment, including these flatwork ironers, is that they have been designed to be ergonomic and to require little maintenance. They are equipped with a roll driven by a speed inverter as well as feeding and Nomex ironing belts.

Effort have been made to offer a high degree of acoustic comfort; Material used for its manufacture is stainless steel and skinplate.

If you want to receive detailed information about industrial flatwork ironers, contact us

This type of equipment is very profitable for any company but it represents a significant investment and may raise some doubts when the time comes to choose a specific model. If you have questions to ask or would like to receive personalized advice, you just have to contact our sales department. You can do it by calling +33 254 880 576 or sending an email to; you can also fill out the contact form you will find on this website. As simple as that!


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