Industrial washer extractors for all types of coin-op laundries
This wide range of free standing washer-extractors offers a wide choice of capacities, which meet the needs of many self-service laundries, offering many features thanks to the EASY TOUCH 2 control. These machines are therefore perfectly suited for any type of coin-operated laundry.
High G factor 500 (models from 11 to 18 kg) and 450 (22 kg model)
What are the main features of this range?
- Grey skinplate outer casing
- AISI 304 stainless steel vat and drum
- 8 signals for dosing pumps
- 3 water inlets as standard
- EASY TOUCH 2 microprocessor control with 7″ touch screen, fully programmable,
- 37 available languages
- Danube Online communication – IoT as standard
- Videos display (ads, instructons…)
- Wet cleaning as standard: water levels and washing speed fully programmable
- Telemetry as standard
- AQUABAC water recovery tanks ready
- Optimal Loading as standard: adjustment of water and soap consumptions according to the load
Other options available to complement the range
- Double drain kit for water recovery
- AQUA FLOW Kit : recirculation of water bath
- 6 extra signals for dosing pumps
- Door silicon gasket
- Drain valve normally closed
- Reverse opening door
- Tropicalized model (ET2)
- Ergonomic plinth for loading height
- AISI 304 outer casing or front panel
- Automatic door unlock device in case of power failure
- Plinth to align height of machines (special coin laundry)
Payment options:
- Electronic coiner for tokens / coins (various currencies available)
- Mechanical coiner for token or for coins
- Central pay

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