Industrial washers for any kind of coin-op laundries
This generation of washers offers a high G-factor and combines the latest technologies with quality components and materials. They are designed to provide the most demanding services thanks to the ET2 control and its multiple features. With capacities from 28 to 35 kg, these models allow greater versatility in the self-service version.
High G factor of 450
What are the main features ?
- Grey skinplate panels
- AISI 304 stainless steel vat and drum
- 8 signals for dosing pumps
- 3 water inlets as standard
- EASY TOUCH 2 microprocessor control with 7″ touch screen, fully programmable
- 37 available languages,
- Danube Online communication – IoT as standard
- videos display (advertisements, instructions…)
- Wet cleaning as standard: water levels and washing speeds fully adjustable
- Telemetry as standard
- Optimal Loading as standard: adjustable water and detergent consumptions according to the stated load
- AQUABAC water recovery tanks ready
Other possible features
- Double drain kit for water recovery
- AQUA FLOW: recirculation of bath water
- 6 extra signals for dosing pumps
- Door silicon gasket
- Reverse opening door
- Tropicalized model (ET2)
- Normally closed drain valve
- AISI 304 stainless steel outer casing or front panel
- Automatic door unlock device in case of power failure
- Plinth to align height of machines (special coin laundry)
- Ergonomic plinth for loading height
Payment options
- Electronic coiner for tokens / coins (various currencies available)
- Mechanical coiner for token or for coins
- Central pay

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